Results for 'Toon Van Borm'

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    Meditazione delle parole (con una nota di E. Tempesta).Toon Van Borm - 2010 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 14:213-213.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, Theo de Kruijf, Herman-Emiel Mertens, Th Bell, Paul van Geest, Johan Ardui, Martin Parmentier, Toon Brekelmans, A. H. C. van Eijk, Geert van Dartel, A. Meijers, Erik Sengers, Carlo Leget, Ben Vedder, H. J. Adriaanse, M. Parmentier & Joke Maex - 2001 - Bijdragen 62 (3):342-365.
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    Masking the Realities of Power: Justus Lipsius and the Dynamics of Political Writing in Early Modern Europe.Erik De Bom, Marijke Janssens, Toon Van Houdt & Jan Papy (eds.) - 2010 - Brill.
    Starting from Justus Lipsius's _Monita et exempla politica _, this book offers a collection of essays dealing with the disputed Macchiavellian, Tacitean or Neostoic character of Lipsius's political thought, and its impact on the dynamics of political discourse in Early Modern Europe.
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    Social identity salience shapes group-based emotions through group-based appraisals.Toon Kuppens, Vincent Y. Yzerbyt, Sophie Dandache, Agneta H. Fischer & Job van der Schalk - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (8):1359-1377.
    Group-based emotions have been conceptualised as being rooted in perceivers' social identity. Consistent with this idea, previous research has shown that social identity salience affects group-based emotions, but no research to date has directly examined the role of group-based appraisals in comparison with individual appraisals. In the present studies, we measured group-based appraisals through a thought-listing procedure. In Experiment 1, we explicitly reminded people of their group identity, which led to the predicted change in group-based anger. This effect was mediated (...)
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    BURGGRAEVE, Roger, The Ethical Meaning of Money in the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas. p. 85 DEKKERS, Wim, What Do We Call 'Death'? Some Re-flections on the End of Life in Western Culture. p. 188. [REVIEW]Howard H. Harriott, Samuel Ijsseling, Koen Raes, Bert Roebben, Erik Schokkaert, André van de Putte, Jef van Gerwen, Toon van Houdt, Paul van Tongeren & Johan Verstraeten - 1995 - Ethical Perspectives 2 (3):220.
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    A Multiple Identity Approach to Gender: Identification with Women, Identification with Feminists, and Their Interaction.Jolien A. van Breen, Russell Spears, Toon Kuppens & Soledad de Lemus - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Motivational Make-Up of Workaholism and Work Engagement: A Longitudinal Study on Need Satisfaction, Motivation, and Heavy Work Investment.Toon W. Taris, Ilona van Beek & Wilmar B. Schaufeli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Axiomatic characterizations of solutions for Bayesian games.Robert van Heumen, Bezalel Peleg, Stef Tijs & Peter Borm - 1996 - Theory and Decision 40 (2):103-129.
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    Ethical aspects of debt reduction for the poorest countries.Jef van Gerwen—Ufsia & Toon Vandevelde—Ku Leuven - 2001 - Ethical Perspectives 8 (1):3.
  10. Digraph Competitions and Cooperative Games.René van Den Brink & Peter Borm - 2002 - Theory and Decision 53 (4):327-342.
    Digraph games are cooperative TU-games associated to domination structures which can be modeled by directed graphs. Examples come from sports competitions or from simple majority win digraphs corresponding to preference profiles in social choice theory. The Shapley value, core, marginal vectors and selectope vectors of digraph games are characterized in terms of so-called simple score vectors. A general characterization of the class of (almost positive) TU-games where each selectope vector is a marginal vector is provided in terms of game semi-circuits. (...)
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  11. Characterizations of the β- and the Degree Network Power Measure.René Van Den Brink, Peter Borm, Ruud Hendrickx & Guillermo Owen - 2008 - Theory and Decision 64 (4):519-536.
    A symmetric network consists of a set of positions and a set of bilateral links between these positions. For every symmetric network we define a cooperative transferable utility game that measures the “power” of each coalition of positions in the network. Applying the Shapley value to this game yields a network power measure, the β-measure, which reflects the power of the individual positions in the network. Applying this power distribution method iteratively yields a limit distribution, which turns out to be (...)
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    Leibniz, die Skythen und die Wurzeln der europäischen Sprachen.Toon Van Hal - 2021 - Studia Leibnitiana 53 (1-2):74-93.
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    Sleep Restores The Potential To Undergo Learning Induced Increases Of Corticomotor Excitability: New Evidence In Line With The Synaptic Downscaling Hypothesis.De Beukelaar Toon, Van Soom Jago & Wenderoth Nicole - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Money, Time and Labour.Toon van Houdt - 1995 - Ethical Perspectives 2 (1):11-27.
    By now it has been pretty well established that the Flemish Jesuit Leonardus Lessius was an economist of the highest grade. Joseph A. Schumpeter, perhaps the 20th century’s most important historian of economics, afforded Lessius more than ample mention in his monumental work, History of Economic Analysis. In Interest and Usury, Schumpeter’s pupil, Bernard W. Dempsey, likewise gave Lessius generous attention. The Belgian historian Raymond de Roover, however, who considered Lessius to be primarily a deserving epigone of the famous ‘Salamanca (...)
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    A Career Crafting Training Program: Results of an Intervention Study.Evelien H. van Leeuwen, Toon W. Taris, Machteld van den Heuvel, Eva Knies, Elizabeth L. J. van Rensen & Jan-Willem J. Lammers - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This intervention study examined the effects of a career crafting training on physicians' perceptions of their job crafting behaviors, career self-management, and employability. A total of 154 physicians working in two hospitals in a large Dutch city were randomly assigned to a waitlist control group or an intervention group. Physicians in the intervention group received an accredited training on career crafting, including a mix of theory, self-reflection, and exercises. Participants developed four career crafting goals during the training, to work on (...)
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    Ethical Aspects of Debt Reduction for the Poorest Countries.Jef van Gerwen & Toon Vandevelde - 2001 - Ethical Perspectives 8 (1):3-17.
    Debt reduction for the poorest countries of the world has become a self-evident goal for all people who feel concerned about the problems of the Third World, about absolute poverty and misery. Also, right-minded people think it is a primary ethical requirement that rich countries and powerful financial institutions should loosen the constraints imposed upon the weakest regions of the world. However, a closer look reveals that this is not just a technical matter, but that this issue is ridden with (...)
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  17. Internal slackening scoring methods.Marco Slikker, Peter Borm & René van den Brink - 2012 - Theory and Decision 72 (4):445-462.
    We deal with the ranking problem of the nodes in a directed graph. The bilateral relationships specified by a directed graph may reflect the outcomes of a sport competition, the mutual reference structure between websites, or a group preference structure over alternatives. We introduce a class of scoring methods for directed graphs, indexed by a single nonnegative parameter α. This parameter reflects the internal slackening of a node within an underlying iterative process. The class of so-called internal slackening scoring methods, (...)
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    A Day Awake Attenuates Motor Learning-Induced Increases in Corticomotor Excitability.Toon T. de Beukelaar, Jago Van Soom, Reto Huber & Nicole Wenderoth - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Congestion models and weighted Bayesian potential games.Giovanni Facchini, Freek van Megen, Peter Borm & Stef Tijs - 1997 - Theory and Decision 42 (2):193-206.
    Games associated with congestion situations à la Rosenthal have pure Nash equilibria. This result implicitly relies on the existence of a potential function. In this paper we provide a characterization of potential games in terms of coordination games and dummy games. Second, we extend Rosenthal's congestion model to an incomplete information setting, and show that the related Bayesian games are potential games and therefore have pure Bayesian equilibria.
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  20. De pater en de filosoof: de redding van het Husserl-archief.Toon Horsten - 2018 - Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Vrijdag.
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    Neoliberalisme en de symbolische institutie van de samenleving. Lefort en Foucault over de staat en'het politieke'.Toon Braeckman - 2013 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 73 (3):525-551.
    This essay sets up a dialogue between Lefort’s view on the relationship between the state and modern society and Foucault’s thesis of a governmental turn in the modern power regime, whereby the relations between state and society are thoroughly redrawn. What are the main results? 1) Whereas Lefort’s political ontology leaves room for divergent agencies from which the symbolic institution of the social may unfold, his preoccupation with democracy leans him to inseparably link the symbolic institution of modern society with (...)
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  22. Fiction and Scientific Knowledge.Adam Toon - 2023 - In Alison James, Akihiro Kubo & Françoise Lavocat (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Fiction and Belief. Routledge. pp. 115-125.
    What has fiction to do with science? At first glance, the two activities seem to have entirely different aims and products. Science aims at truth, while fiction can deviate wildly from it. Science produces theories, which we are asked to believe. Fiction produces stories, which we are asked to imagine. Given these differences, associating science and fiction might seem like a serious mistake, or even a threat to science. And yet many authors have tried to understand science by looking to (...)
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    Leadership and Workplace Aggression: A Meta-analysis.Wenrui Cao, Peikai Li, Reine C. Van der Wal & Toon W. Taris - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-21.
    Workplace aggression has been established as a prevalent and detrimental issue in organizations. While numerous studies have documented the important role of leaders in inhibiting or accelerating workplace aggression, a systematic overview of the associations between different leadership styles and workplace aggression as well as its boundary conditions is still lacking. This study reports a meta-analysis investigating the associations between leadership and workplace aggression. Drawing on data from 165 samples, our results revealed that change-oriented, relational-oriented, and values-based and moral leadership (...)
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    De draaideur: van impasse naar uitweg.Toon Kerkhoff & Arco Timmermans - 2018 - Res Publica 60 (3):235-257.
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    Arbeid, vrijheid, basisinkomen: Antwoord aan Toon Vandevelde.Ph Van Parijs - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59 (4):698-701.
    Ph. Van Parijs argues that there is no contradiction between his real-libertarian legitimation of the highest feasible basic income and his pragmatic plea for a low basic income as an appropriate policy to reduce involuntary unemployment. However, he concedes that some logically possible consequences of the introduction of a basic income — such as a massive withdrawal of women from the labour market — might prompt him to reconsider the view that social justice reduces to „real freedom for all”.
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    Justus Lipsius, Monita et exempla politica: Political Admonitions and Examples. Edited with Translation, Commentary and Introduction by Jan Papy, Toon Van Houdt and Marijke Janssens.Lisa Kattenberg - 2022 - Grotiana 43 (2):478-482.
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  27. What Might Cognition Be, If Not Computation?Tim Van Gelder - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy 92 (7):345 - 381.
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    De mens centraal: essays over het personalisme vandaag en morgen.Dries Deweer - 2017 - Kapellen: Pelckmans Pro. Edited by Steven van Hecke.
    In het personalisme staat de menselijke persoon centraal. Niet het individu en zijn enge eigenbelang, maar de mensen in verbondenheid met elkaar, hun leefwereld en idealen. De personalistische filosofie heeft haar stempel gedrukt op onze samenleving. Tot op vandaag functioneert ze als inspiratiebron voor maatschappelijke projecten. 0Misschien juist omwille van die sterke impact in het verleden heeft het personalisme vandaag een wat stoffig imago. Dit boek maakt daar komaf mee. Denkers en doeners van diverse pluimage stellen zich de vraag wat (...)
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  29. De dynamiek van de religie.A. Whitehead & J. Van der Veken - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (4):735-736.
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    Taal en wereld van meervoudig ruimtegebruik.K. Van Assche - 2003 - Topos: Periodiek Lab. Ruimtelijke Planvorming 13.
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    Foreword.John Hymers - 2005 - Ethical Perspectives 12 (4):419-423.
    Regardless of unpredictable and contingent geopolitical events such as last year’s surprising rejection of the European Constitution in France and the Netherlands, this coming year will certainly witness a large surge in patriotism. The Winter Olympics in February, and the World Cup in the summer, both promise to whip national sentiments into a fever pitch. One other thing is certain, though: journals of philosophy and ethics will continue to debate the virtues of cosmopolitanism, as this number of Ethical Perspectives does (...)
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  32. Van Plato tot Pinxten: 38 vrijdenkers over hun lijfboek.Karel Van Dinter - 2018 - Brussel: VUB Press.
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    Numbers Speak for Themselves, or Do They? On Performance Measurement and Its Implications.Berend van der Kolk - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (4):813-817.
    Performance measurement systems have the potential to improve organizational outcomes, but they often come at a cost. This commentary highlights the individual, organizational, and societal costs of performance measurement systems and explores how such costs could be reduced.
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    Janos J. Sarbo Radboud University, The Netherlands Jozsef l. Farkas Radboud University, The Netherlands Auke JJ van Breemen.Auke Jj van Breemen - 2006 - In Ricardo Gudwin & Jo?O. Queiroz (eds.), Semiotics and Intelligent Systems Development. Idea Group.
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  35. Kunst, cognitie en communicatie. Over de kunsttheorie van Jan Mukarovský.Joost van Baak - 2012 - Filosofie En Praktijk 33 (3).
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  36. Tegen de aanpassing. Lacans 'ondermijning' van het subject.Philippe Van Haute - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):182-183.
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  37. Verlichting en vooruitgang in de geschiedenisfilosofie van Immanuel Kant Lumières et progrès dans la philosophie de l'histoire de Kant.H. Van Erp - 1988 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 80 (1):1-17.
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    Wetenschap, wijsheid, filosoferen: opstellen aangeboden aan Hendrik van Riessen bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar in de wijsbegeerte aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam.H. van Riessen & P. Blokhuis (eds.) - 1981 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    Law’s regret: on moral remainders, (in)commensurability and a virtue-ethical approach to legal decision-making.Iris van Domselaar - 2022 - Jurisprudence 13 (2):220-239.
    In his essay ‘Ethical Consistency’, Bernard Williams famously introduced the concept of a moral remainder, which points to the phenomenon of an in itself defensible decision that may nonetheless re...
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    String theory, Einstein, and the identity of physics: Theory assessment in absence of the empirical.Jeroen van Dongen - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89:164-176.
  41. And yet there are not three Gods, but one God.Peter van Inwagen - 1988 - In .
  42.  34
    Just democracy: the Rawls-Machiavelli programme.Philippe van Parijs (ed.) - 2011 - London: ECPR Press.
    In this book, he argues that the purpose of democracy should be to promote justice - we need not just democracy (in the sense of unqualified democracy) but a just democracy. Machiavelli and Rawls must be brought together.
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  43. Persons and bodies: A constitution view.Peter Van Inwagen - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (1):138-141.
    Philosophers of mind have not in general been very attentive to metaphysics. This book is a salutary exception to this general observation. A philosopher of mind—at least the body of her very influential work would be classified by most philosophers as belonging to the philosophy of mind—attempts to ground a theory of the relation between human persons and their bodies in an extended essay on the metaphysics of the natural world. Baker is a materialist : in her book, you and (...)
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  44. .J. van Dijk - unknown
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    (1 other version)Monads and Sets: On Gödel, Leibniz, and the Reflection Principle.Mark van Atten & Mark Atten - 2014 - In Essays on Gödel’s Reception of Leibniz, Husserl, and Brouwer. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 3-33.
    Gödel once offered an argument for the general reflection principle in set theory that took the form of an analogy with Leibniz' Monadology. I discuss the mathematical and philosophical background to Gödel's argument, reconstruct the proposed analogy in detail, and argue that it has no justificatory force.
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  46. Semantic results for ontic and epistemic change. van Ditmarsch, Hans & Kooi, Barteld - unknown
    Hans van Ditmarsch and Barteld Kooi (2008). Semantic results for ontic and epistemic change. In: G. Bonanno, W. van der Hoek and M. Wooldridge (editors). Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT 7). Texts in Logic and Games 3, pp. 87-117, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.
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  47. Merging Observation and Access in Dynamic Logic.Johan van Benthem - unknown
    Rational agents base their actions on information from observation, inference, introspection, or other sources. But this information comes in different kinds, and it is usually handled by different logical mechanisms. We discuss how to integrate external ‘updating information’ and internal ‘elucidating information’ into one system of dynamic epistemic logic, by distinguishing two basic informational actions: ‘bare seeing’ versus ‘conscious realization’.
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  48. The knowledge relation: Binary or ternary?René van Woudenberg - 2008 - Social Epistemology 22 (3):281-288.
    Contrastivism is the claim that the knowledge relation is ternary, it relates three relata: a subject, a proposition, and a class of contrastive propositions. The present paper is a discussion of Jonathan Schaffer’s arguments in favour of contrastivism. The case is made that these are unconvincing: the traditional binary account of knowledge can handle the phenomena that ternarity is claimed to handle in a superior way.
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    The Study of Metaphor in Argumentation Theory.Lotte van Poppel - 2021 - Argumentation 35 (1):177-208.
    This paper offers a review of the argumentation-theoretical literature on metaphor in argumentative discourse. Two methodologies are combined: the pragma-dialectical theory is used to study the argumentative functions attributed to metaphor, and distinctions made in metaphor theory and the three-dimensional model of metaphor are used to compare the conceptions of metaphor taken as starting point in the reviewed literature. An overview is provided of all types of metaphors distinguished and their possible argumentative functions. The study reveals that not all possible (...)
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  50. Open Problems in Logic and Games.Johan van Benthem - unknown
    Dov Gabbay is a prolific logician just by himself. But beyond that, he is quite good at making other people investigate the many further things he cares about. As a result, King's College London has become a powerful attractor in our field worldwide. Thus, it is a great pleasure to be an organizer for one of its flagship events: the Augustus de Morgan Workshop of 2005. Benedikt Loewe and I proposed the topic of 'interactive logic' for this occasion, with an (...)
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